Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a biological treatment that harnesses the body's natural healing potential. In addition to their role in clotting, platelets release growth factors that promote healing, leveraging the body's natural repair mechanisms in response to injury.
The Québec Health Insurance Plan does not cover this procedure.
After collecting 30 to 120 ml of blood, it is centrifuged to concentrate the platelets, achieving a concentration up to eight times that of the original blood. This process yields 3 to 4 ml of platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected to treat tendon, ligament, or joint injuries.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) offers an innovative therapeutic approach by harnessing the body’s natural regenerative mechanisms to treat various musculoskeletal injuries. At MSK Québec, our experienced team of therapists supports you throughout the process, from preparation to post-procedure rehabilitation, to ensure optimal recovery.
We prioritize making telephone appointments to understand your situation better and thus be able to offer you optimal support.